Explore Virtual Clamping
Less Effort, Lower Costs: Virtual Clamping
Virtual Clamping in our 3D metrology software simulates the clamping of parts and allows the user to compute the clamped state using the data of the real part in free state. This step is fully integrated into workflow of ZEISS INSPECT and you do not have to leave the proven software interface.

Your Benefits of Virtual Clamping
With virtual clamping, you reduce the costs for fixtures. The multiple design and manufacture of fixtures for individual process steps is no longer necessary. The entire surface is freely accessible for the measurement. You obtain reliable test results that are significantly less influenced by the user and allow for higher repeatability.
Easy Measurement of Hot Formed Parts
Using a universal setup and the ScanBox 3D measuring machine help you to get rid of individual fixtures and to accelerate your production processes.

Virtual Clamping for Hang-on Parts
Virtual Clamping technology avoids multiple measurement loops for parts that are typically measured on mechanical fixtures with four support points.
More Possibilities
The Virtual Clamping module in our 3D metrology software extends the range of applications for virtual clamping to add-on parts such as doors or flaps of vehicles. Furthermore, users can display both the free and clamped state on one report page without having to measure twice.
Pneumatic Fixture
We have developed the Universal Pneumatic Device for gravity compensation that allows users to place parts, especially sheet metal parts, in free state and thus to prepare them for the subsequent virtual clamping process.
Even more ZEISS INSPECT functions
We have clearly summarized the most popular functions of ZEISS INSPECT for you here: From CAD import to various inspections and reporting. Do you already know them all?